Monday, April 23, 2007

Text Blog Entry Five-My Break

During my break time,Carsten and i went to some cities of North Island and we had a good trip i think.
The weather was very good,it was sunny day except for the beginning 2 days. Te Kui Ti was our first place,it's a very small town with only one main street and a very quite place,then we went to National Park which is a small place,too. There is a waterfall in the forest so we went to find it,we climbed the mountain and went through the bush,the track was so muddy that our shoes and trousers were very durty and wet,unfortunately we couldn't find it,I'm not sure there is one there! On the third day,we went to Wanganui which is a beautiful town and i like it,also quite and less people. The next place would be wellington which is the capital of New Zealand. It is smaller than Auckland and less people,there are many Cafes. It faces the sea so that the wind is strong. I like Wellington, especially the night view,it's amazing.We went to Picton on the next day by ferry,it's the only South Island town in our trip,we kept climbing mountains, we saw ferns on the hills and the view from the top of the mountain,i thought we were hereos because we got the peak! When we were on the ferry which went back to Wellington,we were luck because we saw a lot of dolphins which made me excited,but i couldn't take photos for them,what a pity about that. Tao Po was the last station of our trip,there is a biggest lake of New Zealand and Bungy Jumping which is 67 meters high. I didn't jump because i wasn't brave enough to do it,Casten did and i was excited too,but i must do it once in my life,maybe next time when i go to TaoPo:)
I enjoy this trip,perhaps next holiday i could go South Island.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Week Six Text Blog Entry Four-a narrative or recount

Here is a link to an article about a woman called Florence Finch who died last night aged 113.She was born in December 22,1893 and lived with her husband in London until he died in 1964,then she came to NZ in 1969 lived with her daughter and son-in-law.Mrs Finch's doctor said that she had always been a good eater and in a good health,her eye-sight and hearing failed lastly.Of course,she was the oldest woman in New Zealand.

Most of the verb forms are in the past simple form which explain what happened.There are three examples of the past perfect simple. 'had always been in a good health', 'had always been a good eater' and 'had been a patient of', all of these verbs refer to before her death.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oral Blog Entry-A Diploma 1(Week 5 Bugeting&Financial)

I've had problems managing my money, i'd like to save as much as i can but i didn't know how to do this well until the week five lecturelecture which was given by Annette .

She gave us two pieces of advice.The first one is managing money she told us is to create a budget . I had never done this before, but after her lecture i made a budgeting plan every week , it shows clearly my income and expenses , and i can see how much money is coming in and going out. Secondly is how to reduce expenses . There are several ways to decrease , first of all avoid credit cards. I don't use credit card any more even though it's actually convenient sometimes , i used to be able to buy anything i want to but that made me anxious about paying off , so avoid using credit cards is a good way for me to reduce my consumption . What's more , i can use the student ID card to get discounts on travel (it's great for me) , movies etc. I can also buy second-hand texbooks through the USU.

Through her lecture i got useful information about how to deal with my money and here is something interesting, if you want to know more about budgeting click here .