Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oral Blog Entry-A Diploma 1(Week 5 Bugeting&Financial)

I've had problems managing my money, i'd like to save as much as i can but i didn't know how to do this well until the week five lecturelecture which was given by Annette .

She gave us two pieces of advice.The first one is managing money she told us is to create a budget . I had never done this before, but after her lecture i made a budgeting plan every week , it shows clearly my income and expenses , and i can see how much money is coming in and going out. Secondly is how to reduce expenses . There are several ways to decrease , first of all avoid credit cards. I don't use credit card any more even though it's actually convenient sometimes , i used to be able to buy anything i want to but that made me anxious about paying off , so avoid using credit cards is a good way for me to reduce my consumption . What's more , i can use the student ID card to get discounts on travel (it's great for me) , movies etc. I can also buy second-hand texbooks through the USU.

Through her lecture i got useful information about how to deal with my money and here is something interesting, if you want to know more about budgeting click here .

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