Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oral Blog Entry Seven Diploma Lecture 2

'Helping Others' was the topic of the lecture given by Dave Griffiths on week nine, it was mainly about giving first aid when accidents happen around us.

He told us what we should do when accidents happen. The first thing we should do is not dial 111, because it takes 35 mins for ambulance to arrive, so between this time we should give patients first aid. Also Dave told us what steps to give first aid. First of all, we should stop what we are doing when there is an accident, because our help is needed. After that, we should think about our safety, because sometimes we don't know whether they are healthy or not, so we should wear some barriers such as gloves, plastic bags etc. to protect us. Then, we should talk to them, find out how the person is feeling, if they are in danger, we must give them CPR or mouth to mouth. There are different procedures for different patients. We should use two hands to do CPR for adults, one hand for children and only two fingers for infants, he also did a demonstration for us to explain it more clearly. He also told us if the person who we gave first aid but dies at last, we will not be held responsible in New Zealand.

He gave us a funny and useful lecture which reminded me know that accidents could happen at any time or any place, and i will help the injured as possible if i can.

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