Saturday, May 5, 2007

Summary Of A Book - The Pelican Brief

This book was written by John Grisham in 1992.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in U.S.A, its nine judges are some of the most important people in the country. One day two of them are found dead. It is a professional job,no one can find any answers-no connection between the two, no reason for the deaths.

But, while the FBI and president argue it out between them, a brilliant law student Derby Shaw goes to work. And soon she knows more than anyone, enough to name names-enough to frighten someone badly. Enough to make them want to kill her.

It is hard for a beautiful woman to hide. But she has to stay alive. She has to tell someone what she knows. She finds a guy called Grey who is a FBI agent, eventually they find the evidence conecting the killer and government. Mattiece who wants to own a oil company, so that he gives a lot of money to president and hires a killer to kill two of the court who know the trueth of Plican Brief. Darby and Gray through the risk,and press the stroy out,the president won't get relected,and Mattiece is in deep trouble.

In the end,Darby and Gray fall in love,too.

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