Thursday, May 3, 2007

Text Blog Entry Six-Summary

This article in New Zealand Herald talked about climate experts and environmentalists holding different view points about dealing with global warming. The climate experts propose to fight global warming with nuclear power and genetically modified crops to boost biofuel production. However, environmentalists consider that nuclear reactors, chemiscal pesticides and feritilizers will cause huge environmental damage. The IPCC insists it can steady greenhouse emissions-but only if countries are paid the extra fees from energy supply work to agriculture. Developing nations, in particular India and China, will have to play major roles. However,other groups think the IPCC do not have strong enough evidence to support their point, Bruno Comby, president of Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy said nuclear power should provide an even bigger proportion of energy than envisaged by the climate panel.

There are active voice and passive voice in this article. 'countries are prepared to pay the extra cost ' is a present simple passive form,means organizations pay the extra cost to countries. 'nuclear power should provide an even bigger proportion of energy than envisaged by the panel' is a present simple passive form.

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