Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Oral Blog Entry Film Review-King Kong

At 3 hours it’s too long, with too much exposition at the beginning and a slightly-disappointing ending.

It talks about a film makers group who wants to find something exciting, so they go to a island by accident. There are dinosaurs, strange animals and a big monkey-King Kong on the island. Interestingly, King Kong falls in love with a beautiful woman of the group Ann and protects her carefully. She also likes him, KingKong's relationship with her is the cornerstone of the movie. The leader of the group wants to take King Kong back to America to perform and earn money, Ann disagrees with him, but she has no way to deal with it. In America, King Kong can't find her, he is so crazy that he injures others. So cops begin to catch him, Ann appears and they are at the top of a tall building, he hugs her with his big arm, it moved me deeply. Eventually, he is shot by the cops.

I like this film, animals aslo have emotions, even deeper than human's.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oral Blog Entry Seven Diploma Lecture 2

'Helping Others' was the topic of the lecture given by Dave Griffiths on week nine, it was mainly about giving first aid when accidents happen around us.

He told us what we should do when accidents happen. The first thing we should do is not dial 111, because it takes 35 mins for ambulance to arrive, so between this time we should give patients first aid. Also Dave told us what steps to give first aid. First of all, we should stop what we are doing when there is an accident, because our help is needed. After that, we should think about our safety, because sometimes we don't know whether they are healthy or not, so we should wear some barriers such as gloves, plastic bags etc. to protect us. Then, we should talk to them, find out how the person is feeling, if they are in danger, we must give them CPR or mouth to mouth. There are different procedures for different patients. We should use two hands to do CPR for adults, one hand for children and only two fingers for infants, he also did a demonstration for us to explain it more clearly. He also told us if the person who we gave first aid but dies at last, we will not be held responsible in New Zealand.

He gave us a funny and useful lecture which reminded me know that accidents could happen at any time or any place, and i will help the injured as possible if i can.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Week Ten Text Blog Entry Eight - an article about my country in the international press

Here is a link to an article in The Independent UK.

Most people must know 'Journey to the West', which is famous novel by Wu Cheng'en writen during the Ming Dynasty. The Monkey King is the main character in this book, when this book was played on TV, it has become a cult since then, and a aggressive but lovable monkey spirit has charmed millions of Chinese. now, Zhang Jizhong, a famous director in China, has invited the public to offer suggestions on how his remake of the folk tale. Some actors and actress who starred in his previous projects would be asked to play supporting roles. Zhang Jizhong also makes efforts on album and screen effect.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Oral Blog Entry Six - Picture Comparison 2

The two pictures both come from the primary school, the students are divided into some small groups and learn by themselves.

However, the first picture shows that children are drawing pictures without computers and they are sitting on the ground. The second picture shows that students having the computer class and they studying with computers on the desk.

I think technology helps learning, because it can make some abstract knowledge in the book more vivid, especialy for young children because they like some coulourful, they can learn easily and hard to forget, it is effective.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Week Nine Text Blog Entry - About Cornwallis Beach Dip Trip

Last Tuesday, i went to Cornwallis Beach with my EAP classmates and Ron. I really enjoyed this trip,i think we are lucky, because the day before it had rained, but it was a nice day to have a trip.

That morning,Yan picked up Jean and me, then we went to a Cafe in Titirangi Village where we were supposed to meet. We arrived earlier so that we could look around, it is a peaceful place with many trees and fresh air. After morning tea, we went to the next place - Huia Point, Yan got lost on the way there, we helped her to check the map and after a long time we got there - a beautiful place, we can see the whole of sea view. Finally, we went to Cornwallis Beach, we saw a little black sand on the beach and we had a short walk around the beach. We chated with each other and shared a tasty lunch which classmates had brought of salad, dumplings, cakes, chinken, chips and fruit, so much delicious food that i didn't have any of my own. After that, we had half day free,so some of us decided to stay there for a while to enjoy the nature. We also took some pictures:)

Wonderful lunch and a wonderful trip, i like it, it provides a good chance to conmmunicate so that we can get to know each other better, i want to go next time and the more the better.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Summary Of A Book - The Pelican Brief

This book was written by John Grisham in 1992.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in U.S.A, its nine judges are some of the most important people in the country. One day two of them are found dead. It is a professional job,no one can find any answers-no connection between the two, no reason for the deaths.

But, while the FBI and president argue it out between them, a brilliant law student Derby Shaw goes to work. And soon she knows more than anyone, enough to name names-enough to frighten someone badly. Enough to make them want to kill her.

It is hard for a beautiful woman to hide. But she has to stay alive. She has to tell someone what she knows. She finds a guy called Grey who is a FBI agent, eventually they find the evidence conecting the killer and government. Mattiece who wants to own a oil company, so that he gives a lot of money to president and hires a killer to kill two of the court who know the trueth of Plican Brief. Darby and Gray through the risk,and press the stroy out,the president won't get relected,and Mattiece is in deep trouble.

In the end,Darby and Gray fall in love,too.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Text Blog Entry Six-Summary

This article in New Zealand Herald talked about climate experts and environmentalists holding different view points about dealing with global warming. The climate experts propose to fight global warming with nuclear power and genetically modified crops to boost biofuel production. However, environmentalists consider that nuclear reactors, chemiscal pesticides and feritilizers will cause huge environmental damage. The IPCC insists it can steady greenhouse emissions-but only if countries are paid the extra fees from energy supply work to agriculture. Developing nations, in particular India and China, will have to play major roles. However,other groups think the IPCC do not have strong enough evidence to support their point, Bruno Comby, president of Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy said nuclear power should provide an even bigger proportion of energy than envisaged by the climate panel.

There are active voice and passive voice in this article. 'countries are prepared to pay the extra cost ' is a present simple passive form,means organizations pay the extra cost to countries. 'nuclear power should provide an even bigger proportion of energy than envisaged by the panel' is a present simple passive form.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Oral Blog Entry 5 Domestic News Headlines

I heard this story on Morning Report on National Radio on Monday April 30.

"paper also reports that climate change experts and environmentalists will clash over proposals to fight global warming"

Here are three pronunciaiton features which I noticed:
1.consonant to vowel linking-an environmentalist
2.weak forms - a. clash over
b. to fight

Monday, April 23, 2007

Text Blog Entry Five-My Break

During my break time,Carsten and i went to some cities of North Island and we had a good trip i think.
The weather was very good,it was sunny day except for the beginning 2 days. Te Kui Ti was our first place,it's a very small town with only one main street and a very quite place,then we went to National Park which is a small place,too. There is a waterfall in the forest so we went to find it,we climbed the mountain and went through the bush,the track was so muddy that our shoes and trousers were very durty and wet,unfortunately we couldn't find it,I'm not sure there is one there! On the third day,we went to Wanganui which is a beautiful town and i like it,also quite and less people. The next place would be wellington which is the capital of New Zealand. It is smaller than Auckland and less people,there are many Cafes. It faces the sea so that the wind is strong. I like Wellington, especially the night view,it's amazing.We went to Picton on the next day by ferry,it's the only South Island town in our trip,we kept climbing mountains, we saw ferns on the hills and the view from the top of the mountain,i thought we were hereos because we got the peak! When we were on the ferry which went back to Wellington,we were luck because we saw a lot of dolphins which made me excited,but i couldn't take photos for them,what a pity about that. Tao Po was the last station of our trip,there is a biggest lake of New Zealand and Bungy Jumping which is 67 meters high. I didn't jump because i wasn't brave enough to do it,Casten did and i was excited too,but i must do it once in my life,maybe next time when i go to TaoPo:)
I enjoy this trip,perhaps next holiday i could go South Island.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Week Six Text Blog Entry Four-a narrative or recount

Here is a link to an article about a woman called Florence Finch who died last night aged 113.She was born in December 22,1893 and lived with her husband in London until he died in 1964,then she came to NZ in 1969 lived with her daughter and son-in-law.Mrs Finch's doctor said that she had always been a good eater and in a good health,her eye-sight and hearing failed lastly.Of course,she was the oldest woman in New Zealand.

Most of the verb forms are in the past simple form which explain what happened.There are three examples of the past perfect simple. 'had always been in a good health', 'had always been a good eater' and 'had been a patient of', all of these verbs refer to before her death.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oral Blog Entry-A Diploma 1(Week 5 Bugeting&Financial)

I've had problems managing my money, i'd like to save as much as i can but i didn't know how to do this well until the week five lecturelecture which was given by Annette .

She gave us two pieces of advice.The first one is managing money she told us is to create a budget . I had never done this before, but after her lecture i made a budgeting plan every week , it shows clearly my income and expenses , and i can see how much money is coming in and going out. Secondly is how to reduce expenses . There are several ways to decrease , first of all avoid credit cards. I don't use credit card any more even though it's actually convenient sometimes , i used to be able to buy anything i want to but that made me anxious about paying off , so avoid using credit cards is a good way for me to reduce my consumption . What's more , i can use the student ID card to get discounts on travel (it's great for me) , movies etc. I can also buy second-hand texbooks through the USU.

Through her lecture i got useful information about how to deal with my money and here is something interesting, if you want to know more about budgeting click here .

Thursday, March 15, 2007

About Me

Hi , i am Ying chen , you can call me Vivian , that's ok . I come from Kun Ming in Yun Nan province of China . Kun Ming is known as 'Spring City' which means every season is like Spring. I graduated from Kun Ming Medical College , my major was Medical Insurance , i like studying medicine , so i come to Unitec to study nursing next year .

I have been in New Zealand for one month now, i like living here ,but i don't like rainy days like these days .

I have two dogs , you can see one of them here , he is an ancient breed of sheep dog and is eight months old , the other one is a Bei Jing which is a breed of dog and he is two yeays old . My hobby is travelling , i put it in my last entry .

That's me , simple.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

what i want to talk about

I was sad about something happened to me last days , i don't want to say what was that , what i am expecting . Whatever , it seems to be a part of my life , sometimes we need some lessons to teach us how to be a real adult , to be used to be a new culture and to know the whole of the world , it's great , isn't it ? Actually , it's good for us in the end , at the beginning , usually it's terrible .

I like travelling very much , i don't like to take part in the tourist group , it's boring that you just can follow the guide here and there , your jobs are taking photos , taking bus and wasting money. i love so freedom that can go everywhere as i like , basically it's cheaper than the group except flights .I had been to Thailand , Singapore , Malaysia and HK by myself , i like the feeling which nobody knows me and i like differences , new places give me fresh. Travelling is an important part of my life .

I wish i can go everywhere in the earth , it's amazing , after that i will choose the best one to live and then change another , keeping changing . Europe is my idea place , Barcelona , south France , Greece and Berlin ,WOW~! Wonderful ! So , i must be rich , but the first to be done is studying hard ! Then get a job , become rich and go anywhere!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I feel lonely here , no friends , I miss my friends , my family , my dogs , my bed , I miss everything ~